Dr. Laxman Gnawali is a Professor of English Education at the Department of Language Education. An alumnus of Kathmandu University, Nepal, University of Exeter, England, and Hornby Trust, he taught English language at primary, secondary and tertiary levels before coming to the field of EFL teacher education and training. He now leads degree and short-term EFL teacher education and trainers training programmes. He has co-authored EFL textbooks for school students and special education learners, and designed English language development courses for teachers as well. His national and international contributions include articles and book chapters on ELT methodology and materials, action research, and teacher networking and professional development. He has contributed to ELT Survey of Nepal, Examination Reform Project, English Language Course Development for Primary English Teachers in South and East Asia and several other ELT related projects. He is actively involved in the ELT community in Nepal and he currently serves NELTA as its Senior Vice President. He travels in and outside Nepal delivering sessions at teacher/teacher educator conferences facilitating teachers for professional development through publications, conference participations and network building.
English language teaching methodology and materials, action research, and teacher education and professional development. ICT in the language classroom, Classroom English
Chair, School Management Committee, Kathamndu Univeristy High School
Coordinator, Book Publication, Sales and Distribution Committee, Kathmandu University
Senior Vice President, Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA)